Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t have my phone or tablet with me. How do I log in?

You must have your phone or tablet to obtain your Authentication Code. If you must log in to your account immediately, you can request your Site Administrator to disable MFA on your account.

NOTE: If you do this, make sure that you re-setup MFA when you have your device next. It is not recommended to leave your account without MFA for any period of time.

I am getting a new phone or tablet (and I still have access to my MFA paired device).

When you get a new phone or tablet, you will need to pair your new phone or tablet to Collaborate. The easiest way to do this is to Transfer Your Accounts.

  1. On your new device, install the Google Authenticator app. (Click here to access the Google Play Store if you are using an Android device. Click here to access the Apple App Store if you are using an Apple device.)
  2. On your old device, create a QR code: In the Authenticator app, tap More and then Transfer Accounts -> Export Accounts. Select the accounts you want to transfer to your new phone, then tap Export. (Note, If you transfer multiple accounts, your old phone may create more than one QR code.)
  3. On your new device, tap More and then Transfer Accounts -> Import Accounts.
  4. Using your new device, scan the QR code that is displayed on the old device's screen ~ from Step # 2 above.

After you scan the QR code(s), you will get a confirmation that your Google Authenticator accounts have been transferred. Do not forget to remove the exported accounts from your old device.

Alternatively, you can temporarily disable MFA on your Collaborate account. Then follow the steps here to set up MFA using a new pairing code.

I got a new phone or tablet (and I no longer have access to my old MFA paired device).

Your Site Administrator will need to disable MFA on your Collaborate account. They will need to access your User account information by clicking Contacts > Users > [Your Name], then click the Disable link within the Multi-Factor Authentication section.

When MFA has been disabled for your Collaborate account, it is automatically unpaired from your old device. Login to Collaborate and complete the initial MFA setup process on your new device.

I entered the MFA code, but Collaborate says the code is invalid.

The most common cause of this error is that the code on your device updates before clicking the Validate button in Collaborate. Try waiting until the code changes on your device, then enter the new code as quickly as possible. Then click the Validate button.

You may also experience this error if your phone or tablet does not automatically update/sync its clock. In this situation, the error occurs because the device’s clock is out-of-sync with the actual time. Depending on your device, you may have an option within the Google Authenticator’s Settings for Time correction for codes… Use this feature to resync your device’s clock. Then retry logging into Collaborate.

If you continue to experience difficulties, you may need to disable MFA within Collaborate and then complete the initial MFA setup on your device again.

My phone or tablet has been lost or stolen.

If your device is lost or stolen, it is very important to complete these steps immediately:

  1. If you can remotely “wipe” your device, do so.
  2. Using a computer, change the password to all email accounts viewable from your device. Start with the password for the email account associated with your Collaborate account, and continue for all other email accounts you have stored on your lost or stolen device.
  3. Follow the instructions for the above troubleshooting topic: I got a new phone or tablet (and no longer have access to my MFA code). Your Collaborate Site Administrator will need to click the Send Password Reset link located on your Contact Profile Page by navigating to Contacts > Users > [Your Name].
  4. Remember to change any other login credentials that may have been stored on your device, such as personal email accounts, social media, etc.

NOTE: For security reasons, Network Ninja can only assist with system errors (Bug Reports, etc.) associated with the MFA feature. If you experience a system error, submit a Support Request or have a Site Administrator do so on your behalf. If you are experiencing general difficulties logging in, you must contact your Site Administrator(s) for assistance. We are unable to disable MFA or make any password changes to user accounts.

See Also: