This article will discuss the contents of the Case Profile Page.

The Case Profile page is where all of the information regarding a particular case is housed. 

The different pages of the intake can be viewed by switching between the tabs along the top of the page.

The Associated Relationships tab will display any associated cases that have been created for the case.

Several Listviews can be found on the Case profile page as well, such as the Allegations, Services, and Notes listviews. 

Additional listviews can be found within each listview tab grouping by clicking on the name of the listview tab.

Another feature of the case profile page is the left hand side bar. The left hand sidebar contains a snapshot of information regarding the case, as well as the various different actions that can be performed on a case.

The top portion of the left hand sidebar contains the “Client Snapshot”, which details the name of individual, the case number of the case, the Intake Type of the Case, the Case Status of the case, the date the intake was completed, and by whom, a link to Edit the Case, as well as a link to the Intake Summary PDF. Other information from some optional modules will also appear here.

Beneath the Client Snapshot are the Service Actions, where services can be scheduled and conducted.

Finally, after associated case actions are the Case Actions, where a number of actions can be performed on the case. To name a few, you can add case notes, manage documents, and add or edit assignments.

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