Check out our On-Demand Roles and Permissions Configuration Videos

This article will discuss the various configuration options you will encounter when configuring General Permissions for a Role.

The General Permissions page allows you to configure Permissions for the generic sections of Collaborate.

Contact and Organization permissions grant Users in this role access to the Contact and Organizations page, and includes the ability to Create new Contacts and Organizations, as well as Editing or Invalidating existing Contacts and Organizations.

Reports permissions grant Users in this role top-level permissions to the Reports page. It also grants Users the ability to Create new reports, as well as Edit and/or Delete existing reports.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Individual Reports have their own individual access permissions that are set when they are created, meaning  it is possible for a User to have overall Create/View/Edit permissions for Reports, but not be able to Edit, View, or Delete certain individual reports.

Calendar access simply grants Users in this role the ability to view the Calendar page.

Event permissions grant Users in this role the ability to utilize Events in Collaborate. These permissions allow Users in this role to Create new Events, as well as Edit and/or Delete existing Events.

Events are created via the Calendar module, and also from scheduling a service. If Users in this role are to have the ability to schedule services, then they must be granted 'Event - Create, 'Event - View,' and 'Event - Edit' permissions.

If your instance of Collaborate is utilizing the Activity module, then access to Activities can be configured here.

For more information regarding the Activities Module, please watch the On-Demand Training series titled Activity Training

If your instance of Collaborate is utilizing the Billing Module, then those permissions will appear and can be configured here.

After you have configured all the relevant permissions on this page, click Continue.

Roles and Permissions Configuration Series