Check out our On-Demand Service Header Fields video.

All Services share a set of common fields called Service Header Fields. These fields capture basic information about any Service that is being conducted. Standard Service Header fields include the Service Provider, Service Date (Start and End), Start Time, End Time, Appointment Status, Service Location, and Contact Method fields.

1) Service Provider

This Contact field tracks the person who conducts the Service. The Service Provider defaults to the User Contact that is conducting the service. Multiple Contacts can be entered into this field.2) Add a New Contact

If your User Role has permission to create Contacts, then you can add new Contacts right from this form. See In-Line Add New Contact for more information.3) Start Date/Time

Enter the Start Date and Start Time.

4) End Date/Time

Enter the End Date and End Time.

5) Time Spent

Collaborate auto-calculates the Time Spent from the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.

6) Appointment Status

This lookup field tracks whether the Service was provided, or the reason why it was not provided. The appropriate appointment status depends on when the Service occurs.

Services with a Start Date/Time in the Future

Services that are due to be conducted in the future should only have “Scheduled” as their Appointment Status. This represents a pending status that needs to be updated once the Service Date is in the past. See Editing Services for more information.


Services with a Start Date/Time in the past

Appointment Statuses that are appropriate for Services in the past are the following. (Note: your application may have different options configured, but the same concepts generally apply).

  • “Attended” status documents when Services have been provided, even if the Service Provider did not make direct contact with the client. For example, leaving a voicemail or sending a mailing still qualify as “Attended” Services. In general, only Attended Services will be counted for funder reports.
  •  “Missed” status documents appointments where the client no-showed. 
  • “Canceled” status documents when the client canceled the appointment in advance of the appointment time.

7) Service Location

This Organization field tracks where the Service was provided. The Service Location defaults to the User’s Site.

8) Organization Location

If your Center has “Organization Location” functionality turned on, then the Organization Location field will appear. This field can be used to identify the location at which a service took place, if your center has multiple locations or “satellite locations”. See Organization Locations for more information.

9) Contact Method

This lookup field documents the method of interaction between the Service Provider and the client.

See Also: