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This video will discuss the process of Managing Lookups. 

To Manage a Lookup, first navigate via the Application Catalog to the Intake Type or Service that contains the Lookup. You can then locate the Lookup you want to manage.

Once you have found the Lookup that you would like to manage, click the link next to the Lookup Type field.

You will then be directed to the Lookup Profile page. The lookup Profile page contains some more detailed information regarding the Lookup.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Do not Edit any Lookup values that are System Lookup Values. This means that if the System column says “Yes” next to the Lookup Value, then do not Edit it. Should you need to make changes to a System Lookup value, please submit a Support Request.

To Edit an existing Lookup Value, click the Pencil or Edit icon next to the Lookup Value.

You will then be directed to the Lookup Edit screen. From here you can edit various properties of the Lookup.

You can change the Name of the Lookup.

You can Activate and Deactivate the lookup. Deactivating a Lookup will prevent the lookup from being selected going forward. Any fields that contain the lookup value selected prior to deactivation will remain unaffected.

You can set the List order of the Lookup value. List Order can be utilized to make Lookup Values appear in a specific order. Leaving the List Order field blank will result in Lookup values appearing in Alphabetical order by default.

And finally, if the Lookup Value only needs to be associated with a specific Site or Sites in the Network, then that can be set here as well. If the Lookup Value should be accessible to the entire Network, then leave the Site field blank.

Once you have finished making your desired changes to the Lookup Value, click the “Continue” button.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Role

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Security Settings - IP Filtering

Application Catalog

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Lookup Mapping

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Application Digest

Case Logs