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This article will discuss utilizing IP Filtering in Security Settings. 

IP Filtering is controlled via the IP Filter Mode field.

The first IP FIlter Mode option we will discuss is the Restrict All Traffic option. The Restrict All Traffic option prevents access to the application from all IP Addresses. Individual IP Addresses can then either be approved or denied. 

NOTE: It is imperative that you add the value of “Your Current IP Address” to the list of approved IP Addresses FIRST. This is to prevent yourself from accidentally locking everyone out of the application.

To add a new IP Address filter to the list of approved or denied IP Addresses, click the “Add New IP Filter” button.

Clicking Add New IP Filter will open the fields where you can either Allow or Deny and IP Address. Select either Allow or Deny, then type in the IP Address you want to add. Once you have entered the IP Address, click Continue at the bottom of the page. Repeat this process for each IP Address you want to add to the list.

To Edit or Remove existing IP Filters, click on the Pencil icon or the red X icon, respectively.

The second IP Filtering option we will discuss is the Restrict By Role option. The Restrict By Role option prevents access to the application from all IP Addresses, except Users in specific Roles and any Allowed IP Addresses in the IP Filter list.

To set which Roles to permit, select the roles in the “Roles Permitted Outside IP Filters” field. 

Once you have set the Roles that you would like to permit, click Continue at the bottom of the page to save the selections.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Role

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Application Catalog

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

Application Catalog - Lookup Mapping

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Application Digest

Case Logs