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This article will discuss the process of creating a new Role. 

When a User is created in Collaborate they need to be assigned a Role. Roles contain various permissions that will dictate what kind of access to various parts of the application that a User will have when using Collaborate. 

Only Network Administrators have access to create new Roles and configure their permissions.

Begin by navigating to the Admin Panel. Creating a role is done via the Permissions section. 

Click on the Permissions link under Site Administration to view existing Roles.

The next screen contains a list of existing Roles and Sub Roles.

Existing Role configurations can be viewed by clicking on the “View Permissions” link next to each Role.

To Create a New Role and configure its permissions, click the “Create New Role” link in the Actions section on the left hand side of the screen.

On the next screen, start by entering a Name for the Role

The Active field determines whether or not the Role that is being created will be an Active role that can be used. The main purpose of this field is to deactivate existing Roles that are no longer being used. There is no need to change this field when creating a New Role.

The List Order field can be used to make the Role you are creating appear in a specific order in the list of Roles. The purpose of this field is to help Administrative Users easily find specific Roles when there is a large number of Roles. Leaving the List order field blank results in the Roles appearing in alphabetical order.

The Sub-Role field can be used to make the Role you are creating a Sub Role. Please view the article titled Creating a Sub Role for more information on Sub Roles.

If you want to Copy Permissions configurations from an Existing Role, this can be done by utilizing the “Copy permissions from…” field.

Once you have given the Role a name, and are ready to start configuring the Role’s permissions, click “Save and Edit Permissions”

The Role has been created, and you may now configure the Permissions for the Role.

For assistance with Configuring Role Permissions, please submit a Support Request.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Security Settings - IP Filtering

Application Catalog

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

Application Catalog - Lookup Mapping

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Application Digest

Case Logs