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Here's how to set Default Locations for Users.

Some Users may be associated with multiple locations. Setting a Default Location for those Users makes it easier for them to track the Location where a Client is being served.

When a User has a Default Location set and they create a Case, the Case will be assigned to the User’s Default Location.

When a User does not have a Default Location, then newly created Case will be associated with the Site’s Primary Location.

To set a Default Location for a User, start by navigating to the User’s Contact Profile page.

Notice in the left side bar, under User Information, there is now a Default Location listed.

Click the Edit link next to the Site Name.

On the next page, set the User’s Default Location, and click Continue. 

This User will now have a Default Location set for their account.

When that User creates a new Case, the Case’s Location will be set to that User’s Default Location.

The User’s Default Location will also now be displayed in the Site Staff listview on the Site Profile page.

Organization Locations Series