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Here's how to add new Organization Locations to a Site.

Begin by accessing your specific Site via the Networks tab.

Click on your Site Name to be taken to the Site Profile page.

On the Site Profile page, in the left hand sidebar, click on the Add Location link under Site Actions.

Begin by entering a Location Name.

Next, if desired, enter a Description for the Location.

Next, you can set whether or not the Location you are creating is the Primary Location. Keep in mind that, if an existing Location is set as the Primary Location, and you set the current Location you are creating as the Primary Location, then the old location will no longer be set as the Primary Location.

For more information on Primary Location functionality, please read the article in this series titled Setting a Primary Location.

Continue filling out the form with pertinent information, and click Save and View New Location once you are finished.

You will then be directed to the Location Profile page. This page contains all of the information that was entered when the Location was created.

To Edit any Location information, click on the Edit this Location link under Location Actions in the left hand sidebar.

Organization Locations Series