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This article will discuss how to add new cases to a Staffing after the Staffing has already been created.

Oftentimes, a case will need to be added to a Staffing after the Staffing has already been initially created.

This can be done by utilizing the “Add Another Case to this Staffing” link.

On the next page, search for the case you are looking to add and select it, then determine whether it needs to be placed “next in line” or not. Once you have done that, click “Request Case Review “.

You will then be taken to the “Request Case Review” page, where you can request the case review as normal.

If the case review status of the case you are trying to add is in “Scheduled” status, then you will not be able to add the case to the Staffing, because the case is already scheduled on an existing incomplete staffing.

After creating the new case review request, you will be directed back to the Staffing page, and the new case will be added to the list of cases on the Staffing.

See Also: