Quick Reference Rules & Tips for Building Reports
Modified on: Fri, 29 Apr, 2022 at 8:31 AM
- Before creating a report, first make sure a report does not already exist that suits your needs.
- Mark obsolete reports as inactive, or delete them.
- Don’t create a whole new report just to change a filter or two. Instead, just adjust filters on an existing report to get what you need. (This will prevent you from having to do item #2 so much.)
Recommended Fields for ALL Reports:
- Case ID #
- Case Invalid
- Case Type
- Intake Date (...with a filter applied)
- Row Count
Recommend Fields for Reports with Service fields:
- Those above plus...
- Appointment Status
- Elaborate Service
- Service Date (...with a filter applied)
- Service Performed
- Simple Service
Questions for Aggregation:
- “Can a case have more than one of these?” If No, leave as-is ~ unaggregated. If Yes, go to question #2.
- “Do I have or want this field as a label in a crosstab (or piechart, etc.)?” If Yes, leave it as-is ~ go to the next column. If No, then aggregate--and be sure that the field is somewhere in all crosstabs that you create.

See Also:
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