NOTE: Whenever you run a report, it will only display cases, information, and totals for the site(s) to which you have access. For multi-site networks, only Network Administrators (aka, State Administrators) can run network-wide reports. Check out our On-Demand Video Series for Running Reports.

Running Dynamic Reports in View Mode

Dynamic Reports are found under one of two Listviews: Site Reports and Network Reports. On-Demand Video.

After you click the report name in the listview, the report will open in View Mode. On-Demand Video. Some reports will begin processing data right away based upon the default settings that were applied by the creator of the report. Other reports will allow you to make any adjustments to the default filters before the report begins to process data and produce results.

Filtering Results

Filters exclude information from your report. The report will only return information that meet your filter criteria. Excluding information with filters allows reports to complete faster, and provide more relevant information. You can change the results of a Dynamic Report in View Mode by modifying the Filters. On-Demand Video.

The Report Builder defines which fields are visible in View Mode, but the Filter Type is determined by the data type of the corresponding field. The Report Builder may supply default values for the Filter Options. On-Demand Video.

Example Filter for a Lookup Field:

Example Filter for a Date Field:

Example Filter for a Number Field:

Example Filter for a True/False Field:

Example Filter for a Text Field:

Once you have set up filters the way you need, click the Run Report button to refresh the results. 

Most reports only take a few seconds to refresh. However, complex reports or reports pulling data for a significant timeframe (several years) may take several minutes to complete. If that is the case, be patient and do not click away from the reports page or click Run Report again as this will not make the report finish any faster. On-Demand Video on Report Timeouts.

When the report is complete you can scroll through the various crosstabs, charts, and other information that it was designed to produce. To reset all filters back to their original/default values, simply click back to the Site/Network Reports list or navigate to another page in Collaborate. When you or another User returns to the report it will again show the default filter settings.

Sorting Results

Users can sort the result table. Hovering the mouse over the result table column name will reveal actions for sorting the report results. Clicking the "Up" arrow will sort the rows in ascending order. Clicking the "Down" arrow will sort the rows in descending order. On-Demand Video.

See Also: