The Application Catalog allows you to view the available lookup options (i.e., available answers in dropdown lists, etc.) to questions and fields that are filled in on Intakes and Services. To access the Application Catalog, navigate to Help and click View Application Catalog.

On the following page a list of modules will be displayed. Generally, Staff-level Users will be able to view Case and Services information. Other options (i.e., Signatures, Activities) may be restricted to Site and Network Administrators.

Click the appropriate module category (and subcategories where applicable) and a list of fields within the object will appear.

Click Show Lookup Values (A) to display the list of available options for the field. In the example above, the options available for Race are displayed (1) after selecting the corresponding Show Lookup Values link. Note that if a field has lookup mapping, as is the case with the example above, the corresponding mapping options (in the example above, NCA and VOCA) will be displayed as well.

See Also