Help Menu

Located in the upper right corner of the screen is the Help menuHere you can find links to resource guides, submit a Support Request and view the Application Catalog. 

Guides & Resources    

Click Guides & Resources to view a list of available User Guides and other reference material that are available for download. Note: this generic guide may have topics that do not apply to your network.

[Network]-Specific Guides & Resources

Click the [Your Network]-Specific to view and download resources that are specific to your network.

Training Schedule

Collaborate users are invited to join our training webinars, which cover topics like New User Training, Reports, and Administrator functionality. We offer several training sessions each week. Check the Training Calendar for upcoming training opportunities. For more information on a particular topic (including registration link and description) click the event on the calendar

1-on-1 Support

You can schedule a 30-minute 1-on-1 support session with a member of the Collaborate team. To do so, navigate to the Training Schedule, then click the Register for 1-on-1 Session button. The session is limited to 30 minutes. For scheduling reasons, we are unable to extend beyond that time. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to schedule a session, each agency can only have a one-time slot reserved at a time and can only reserve a one-time slot within a workweek (Monday through Friday).

Support Request

If an error has occurred, or, if you require additional assistance, you can navigate to the Submit Support Request link. Once the link is clicked, a window will open in the lower-left corner. From here, select the topic of your request and enter a brief description of the issue along with any related images. Be as specific and detailed as possible.

Never include personally identifiable or confidential information in a support request. 

If you need to reference a specific case, use the Case ID# in your correspondence.

View Support Tickets

You can view the status of any outstanding support tickets for your network by selecting View Support Requests

View Application Catalog

The Application Catalog link allows you to view lookup values and options  (the values that you can select from

dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.), service mapping, and, if applicable, update signature billing configuration, service options, and manage the Activities Module. You can find a more in-depth usage guide on the Application Catalog here.

See Also: