This article describes how to set up and manage the Activity Module for users.

  1. Add Activity Categories, and establish the default settings for Activity Types that are later added to that category.
  2. Add Activity Types under each appropriate category, and configure which field(s) should and should not appear to the user when they select that Activity type.
  3. Add options for Activities Contact Method
  4. Enable the Activities Permission under the Roles that should be able to view and utilize Activities


When working with Activities, keep in mind there is a “top-level” Activity Category (Example: Prevention) and each Category has Activity Types that belong to that category (Example: Darkness To Light, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect).

Example Layout (Numbered = Activity Category; Letter = Activity Type):

  1. Prevention
    1. Darkness To Light
    2. Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN)
  2. Support Groups
    1. Child Support Group
    2. Adolescent Support Group
    3. Non-Offending Caregiver Support Group

Activity Administration

To create, edit, or inactivate Activity Categories or Activity Types:

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab
  2. Click Application Catalog under the Site Administration heading
  3. Click View next to Activities in the Modules listview

Select the View link corresponding to the Activities in the list. This will take you to the Activity Module Administration page. From here you can manage all aspects of the Activity Module including:

Add New Activity Category

To add a new ‘top-level’ Activity Category, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab
  2. Click Application Catalog under the Site Administration heading
  3. Click View next to Activities in the Modules listview
  4. Click Add New Activity Category under the Catalog Module Actions header
  5. On the Activity Category configuration page, configure the following default options for every activity in the category:
    1. Category Name - Enter the name of the activity category.
    2. Registration - Select whether you want to track attendance. If Yes, you will then be asked to configure the registration options:
      1. Registrant Label - Label that will be applied to all registrants. This is mainly used for reporting purposes.
      2. Registration Types - You can select which registration types are allowed. The current registration types are:
        1. Cases - This allows you to register cases by searching for the name or case id number.
        2. Contacts -  This allows you to register Contacts and Users.
        3. Manual Count -  This allows you to enter the total number of participants. If Yes is selected, you will be asked to specify the manual registration types that a user can select from when conducting the activity.
        4. Organizations - This allows you to register Organizations.
        5. Write-ins - The user can write in the names of individuals or organizations. Each write-in will be counted once. If you want users to be able to write in additional manual counts, make sure the Add Other Manual Type? option is set to Yes.
    3. Notes -  Indicate whether or not, by default, Users will be able to add notes to the Activity Types under this category.
    4. Documents - Indicate whether or not, by default, Users will be able to add documents to the Activity Types under this category.
    5. Providers - Indicate whether or not, by default, Users should have the ability to track provider information for Activity Types under this category. If Yes, by default all Activity Types under this category will have the ability to track provider information. Enter the default Provider Types that should be allowed. If No, by default all Activity Types under this category will not have the ability to track provider information.
    6. Location - Indicate whether or not, by default, Users should have the ability to track location information for Activity Types under this category. If Yes, by default all Activity Types under this category will have the ability to track location information. Enter the default Location Types that should be allowed. If No, by default all Location Types under this category will not have the ability to track location information.
    7. Language - Indicate whether or not, by default, Users will be able to record Language(s) used for the Activity Types under this category.
    8. Contact Method - Indicate whether or not, by default, users will be able to record the Contact Method(s) used for the Activity Types under this category.
  6. Click Create Activity Category to save the category.

You are now ready to add Activity Types to the Activity Category.

Create New Activity Type

To add a new Activity Type from the main Activities Page of the Application Catalog use the following steps

  1. In the Activity Categories listviewclick View under the Catalog Actions header.
  2. In the Activity Category Sidebar, click Create New Activity Type
  3. Configure the Activity Type Details:
    • You must provide an Activity Type Name
    • The remaining options are inherited from the default options you configured when setting up the Activity Category. You may choose to modify any of the options.
  4. Once you are finished, click Create Activity Type

Batch Create Activity Type

Batch Create Activity Type is a feature you can use when you need to create several activity types within an Activity Category.

To Batch Create Activity Types from the main Activities Page of the Application Catalog use the following steps

  1. In the Activity Categories listviewclick View under the Catalog Actions header.
  2. In the Activity Category Sidebar, click BatchCreate Activity Type
  3. On the Create Activity Batch Type screen:
    1. Enter the first Activity Type
    2. Click the Green + Icon to add a second Activity Type
    3. Repeat as necessary
  4. Once you are finished, click BatchCreate Activity Type

Manage Contact Method Lookup

NOTE: If you do not see the option, make sure you are on the page Admin > Application Catalog > Activities [View] 

Add a New Option

To manage the Contact Method lookup:

  1. Click Manage Contact Method Lookup located in the Catalog Module Actions section of the sidebar.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select Actions > Add a New Option.
  3. On the Activities Contact Method screen:
    1. Enter the Name of the option as it should appear to the User. 
    2. Leave Active set to Yes
    3. Leave List Order blank and the option will appear in alphabetical order along with the other options
    4. Leave the Site option (4) blank if you want the option to be available to all Sites. 
      1. If you want the option to be available to only certain sites, enter the name of the site, one at a time, in the search box and select it. Alternatively, you can select the name from the Site list ~ to select multiple Sites from the list, press and hold the Control [CTRL] key when clicking the names. 
    5. When you have entered all information, click Continue to save the new Contact Method.

Edit an Existing Option

To edit an existing lookup option:

  1. Click the pencil (aka., ‘Edit’) icon in the corresponding row of the value you wish to edit.
  2. The following page will open the option in edit mode just like it is viewed when the option was created. Make any adjustments needed. 
  3. Click Continue to save the changes.

Inactivate an Option

If you no longer wish for an option to be available, you can inactivate it:

  1. Click the pencil (aka., ‘Edit’) icon in the corresponding row of the value you wish to inactivate.
  2. On the following page, change the Active option from Yes to No
  3. Click Continue to save the changes. 

Manage Status Lookup

NOTE: If you do not see the option, make sure you are on the page Admin > Application Catalog > Activities [View]

To manage the Status lookup (aka., which options are available for the Activity Status question under each Activity Type), click Manage Status Lookup located in the Catalog Module Actions section of the sidebar.

Add a New Option

To manage the Status lookup:

  1. Click Manage Status Lookup located in the Catalog Module Actions section of the sidebar.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, select Actions > Add a New Option.
  3. On the Activities Status screen:
    1. Enter the Name of the option as it should appear to the User. 
    2. Leave Active set to Yes
    3. Leave List Order blank and the option will appear in alphabetical order along with the other options
    4. Leave the Site option (4) blank if you want the option to be available to all Sites. 
      1. If you want the option to be available to only certain sites, enter the name of the site, one at a time, in the search box and select it. Alternatively, you can select the name from the Site list ~ to select multiple Sites from the list, press and hold the Control [CTRL] key when clicking the names. 
    5. When you have entered all information, click Continue to save the new Status.

Edit an Existing Option

  1. Click the pencil (aka., ‘Edit’) icon in the corresponding row of the value you wish to edit.
  2. The following page will open the option in edit mode just like it is viewed when the option was created. Make any adjustments needed. 
  3. Click Continue to save the changes.

Inactivate an Option

If you no longer wish for an option to be available, you can inactivate it:

  1. Click the pencil (aka., ‘Edit’) icon in the corresponding row of the value you wish to inactivate.
  2. On the following page, change the Active option from Yes to No
  3. Click Continue to save the changes. 

Manage Permissions for Activity Module

NOTE: This step is required when initially setting up the Activity Module for your network. If you ever need to change the settings later, you can use the same method to make any necessary updates. Navigate to Admin > Permissions.

For any Roles that should be able to utilize the Activity Module, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Permissions
  2. On the left side under Role Permissions, Click General
  3. Scroll down on the page to the Activities Access section. Just like other permissions, click the corresponding checkboxes to specify whether Users assigned that particular role should be able to Create Activities, View Activities, Edit Activities, and/or Delete Activities. (Recommended: Like other permissions, it’s recommended that only supervisor-type roles should be allowed to delete Activities.)
  4. Once you have updated the settings, click Continue to save the changes. Users assigned that particular role will now be able to utilize the Activity Module accordingly.

See Also: