
Services are used to document any work done on behalf of your clients. This not only includes interactions with the client, but also any efforts conducted on behalf of a client.

NOTE: Your application may be customized to also use Services to track Assessments, Dispositions, or Investigation Progress.

In Collaborate, Users should record the Service under the person or Case that received the Service. (In some other systems, users are required to enter the service under a primary case or family unit.) Using Collaborate as intended will ensure that your organization able to produce accurate reports of Service units provided to Cases, Unique Individuals, or Household Units.

All Services share a set of common fields called Service Header Fields. These fields capture basic information about all Services, including the Service Provider, Service Location, Service Date, Start Time, End Time, and Appointment Status. In addition, Service Notes and Documents can be attached to any Service.

NOTE: Your application may be customized to include additional Service Header Fields that are shared across Services

Recording Services

Services are recorded from the Case Profile in the Sidebar. The Service Actions section of the Sidebar allows Users to Schedule or Conduct Services. The Service Actions contain separate menus for Elaborate Service and Simple Services.

Conduct or Schedule Services

To Conduct a Service is to record a Service on a Case. This method allows the User to directly enter all information about the Service into the system. 

To Schedule a Service is to record a Service on a Case and create a Collaborate Calendar Event that is associated with the Service. The scheduled date and time are synced between the Service and the associated Calendar Event - changing the details of one will update the other.

When scheduling a Service, the Appointment Status will default to "Scheduled". Visit "Appointment Status" for more detail on how the Appointment Status field is intended to be used.

Simple and Elaborate Service

Simple Services contain only Service Header Fields. Because Simple Services all have the same fields, they can be processed in batch.

Elaborate Services contain additional fields beyond the common Service Header Fields. While there is no batch processing for Elaborate Services, it allows the User to track additional information that is relevant to the Service.

Service Events

To record a Service, select the Service from the appropriate list by clicking its down-arrow. You can manually scroll through the list to find the service you are looking for. You can also type in any part of the service’s name to narrow down and filter the list. Once you have located and selected the service from the list, click Conduct (2) if you have already performed the service. You can then document all the details of the service.

If you are scheduling the service for the future, you can select Schedule (1) to set the date and time the service is scheduled to happen. You can also opt to send reminders to staff and/or clients.

Editing Existing Services

After a service has been created, you can later return to edit the service if needed.

Batch Services

If you need to record multiple services at once, consider the Batch Services functionality.

See Also: