You can change the Case Type (also referred to as Intake Type) of an individual after you have started or completed the Intake process. Some common scenarios where you would need to change the case type of a case are: 

  • The wrong case type was accidentally used when entering the person into Collaborate 
  • Some centers enter cases as Pre-Intakes first, and once the case is accepted, the case type is updated.
  • For Child Advocacy Centers in particular, when an Associated Person (e.g. Sibling) initially denies that the Alleged Offender committed any actions against him/her, but later discloses allegations involving that same Alleged Offender. In that delayed-disclosure scenario, you would change the Case Type from Associated Person to Client.

To change the Case Type of a case, click the blue text displaying the Current Case Type in the Intake Type section of the left-hand sidebar.

On the following screen, click the appropriate Case Type you would like to change the case to.

After making the selection, you will be directed to that particular Case Type's intake. Enter any new or additional information that may appear on the updated intake form.

NOTE: There are scenarios where it is appropriate to change the case type as described above. However, there are scenarios where the appropriate course of action would be to create a new case. This is generally when there have been new or unrelated allegations made involving the person. If you are unsure as to what process to follow, consult with coworkers and supervisors to determine the best course of action.

See Also: