Throughout Collaborate you will encounter different field types in which to enter your data. This article provides examples of many of these and how they function. 



The address fields work together to streamline the process of entering address information. You can choose to copy the address for the current individual from another related case by selecting the Copy Address from the Associated Person drop-down menu.

When you enter the Zip Code, Collaborate will automatically populate (aka. fill in) the City, State, and County fields.

The address fields are composed of a number field (for Zip Code), drop-down lists, and text fields.

Boolean (Yes / No Question)

Booleans are "Yes / No Questions". They are often used as part of conditionals to determine whether additional questions need to be presented.


Buttons are used in a few different ways:  selection of a particular option as an answer,  saving a page, and site navigation. 

Conditional (Dependent Fields)

Conditionals, also known as Dependent Fields, dictate whether additional fields appear or not. In the example here, when the question Interpreter Needed? is answered Yes, an additional Text Area box appears to fill in Interpreter Details. (If the answer is No, then the additional field is not visible.)

Contact Searches are used to search and select a person from the Contacts list. Multi-Contact Search fields function the same way except they allow the user to select one or multiple contacts. Enter any part of the contact's name into the box. As the name is typed into the box, Collaborate will refresh the list to include all contacts that match. Once you see the name of the contact you wish to use, simply click the name. If there is only one contact listed, simply press the Enter key on your keyboard to select the contact as your answer.


Date fields are numeric-specific and formatted to only accept an entry in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. Any other format, or inclusion of letters, will be rejected and the user will be prompted to correct the information before the page can be saved. You can type the date directly into the field or select the date from the Calendar Selector by clicking the calendar icon next to the field. 

Date of Birth

If you know the individual's date of birth, select Known for the DOB Status. In the following field, enter the individual's Date of Birth. Collaborate will then calculate the individual's current age.

If you do not know the individual's date of birth nor the person's age, or the individual refuses to disclose that information, selecRefused. This option prevents you from being forced to enter DOB information that you do not have.

If you do not know the individual's date of birth but do know how old the individual is, select Unknown. In the following field, enter the individual's age in years.


The Email field is a text box that requires Users to input a complete email address (all symbols, domain, and domain name). 


The Language field is a Lookup search that specifically looks at your network's list of languages. You will need to click on an option to populate the field. 

Lookup (Radio Button, Drop-Down List)

Lookups, often referred to as Radio Buttons or Drop-Down Lists, give you a list of predefined options to select for an answer to a particular field. Depending on the number of available options, the list may appear as a horizontal list of radio buttons (1), a vertical list of radio buttons (2), or a drop-down list (3).


The Money field is a Number field that formats the number as x.xx (number with 2 decimal places). If non-number characters are entered, the answer will be rejected and the page can not be saved until the field is corrected.

Multi-Lookup (Checkbox)

The Multi-Lookup, often referred to as a Checkbox list, allows you to select one or multiple values. Certain answers may also be Conditionals that will cause additional questions to be presented.


The Name field is a collection of 4 Text fields designed specifically to capture an individual's First, Middle, Last, and Suffix portions of their name.


The number field accepts only numbers and sometimes also the decimal (.). If other characters are entered into this field, the input will be rejected and the User will need to correct the field before the page can be saved.

Organization Searches are used to search and select an Organization. Multi-Organization Search fields function the same way except they allow the user to select one or multiple organizations. Enter any part of the organization's name into the box. 

Phone Number

The phone number contains a Number field to be filled in with the format XXX-XXX-XXXX. The Phone Type Lookup provides a list of phone number types. Notes is a Text box that can be filled with a short description. Below the phone number there are options to designate whether or not it is Okay to Contact?, Okay to leave message?, and Okay to text message? the individual via the number listed. If additional phone numbers need to be entered, simply select the Plus '+' Toggle button to add additional numbers.

Social Security Number

The Social Security # is a Number field to be filled in with the format XXX-XX-XXXX.


The State field is a Lookup that provides the postal abbreviation for each State.


Text boxes are designed to accept short answers containing letters, numbers, and punctuation.

Text Area

Text Area boxes are designed to accept longer answers containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Note that the triangle in the lower-right corner of the box can be clicked and dragged to increase or decrease the amount of text that is visible.


The Timestamp captures date and time information for a particular event.

Toggler Rows (Plus '+' and Minus '-' Buttons)

Toggler Rows allow you to enter additional information for a particular question. Some examples are: phone numbers, Associated Cases, or Allegations.  If you wish to add additional answers, select the plus '+' button. If you wish to remove a particular answer, select the corresponding minus '-' button.

See Also: