NOTE: This article describes how to create a brand new case in Collaborate. For information on how to create additional cases associated with an existing case, see Create a New Associated Case.

When your Center receives a referral, or a new person is being helped at your Center, you can utilize the Create New Case feature. Creating a new case allows you to enter the person's case information, such as their name and date of birth, as well as other basic demographic information. After creating the case you will be able to record any interactions you have had with the person, and document any assistance you have provided to the person.


To Create a New Case, click Create New Client (or Case, Patient, CAC-Client depending on your organization), found in the left-hand sidebar on the Home page, or the Cases tab.

The following page will have you perform a Conflict Check to see if the person potentially has prior history with your Center or Network. Once the Conflict Check has been performed, you will begin the Intake Process.

Complete the Intake Process by filling in all of the information that you have. Click here to learn more about the different field types that are available in Collaborate -- including the field types you will see during the intake process.

For additional information and videos about your Network's specific intake processes, see your User Guide by navigating to Help > [Network]-Specific Resources.

See Also: