The Conflict Check is performed to determine whether a person has already been entered into Collaborate. The most likely scenario when this happens is when the person has prior history and has been involved with your organization or another organization within your network. Collaborate automatically conducts a Conflict Check whenever you are creating a new case.

  1. By default, Has this person been identified? is set to Yes. If the person's name is not known, select No.
  2. Enter First Name, Middle Initial (if known), Last Name, and Suffix(if applicable)
    • First Name and Last Name are required fields.
  3. Enter Date Of Birth (optional, if known).
  4. Enter Social Security Number (if your organization tracks it).
  5. Click the Search button.

The page will then display Assigned Site Search Results (1). If you are part of a statewide network that has enabled network-wide searching capabilities, Full Network Search Results (2) will also be displayed. 

Determine whether any potential matches are the same person, or if the potential match just happens to be a coincidence (e.g. the spelling of the person's name happens to be similar or the same). This will help determine which of the following three buttons you should click to proceed.

  1. Create New Case from [Client, Associated Person, etc.] (A) when it has been determined that the potential match is the same person that you are creating. This will link the current case you are creating to the previous case(s).
  2. Use This [Client, Associated Person, etc.] (B) when it has been determined that the potential match is the same person and you do not need to create a new case.
  3. Create and Edit New Intake (C) when the potential matches are coincidences (e.g. not the same person) or whenever there are no potential matches found in the system.

After clicking the appropriate button, you will then be taken to the beginning of the Intake Process.

NOTE: See your User Guide (by navigating to Help > [Network]-Specific Resources from within Collaborate) for additional information and videos pertaining to your Center's specific intake processes.

See Also: