If you have your device with the MFA Settings

Navigate to the Contacts Page (1) and select the Users Tab (2). Locate your name on the list and click it.

On the following page, scroll down to the bottom and click the Disable link within the Multi-Factor Authentication section of the sidebar.

On the following page, click the Yes, Continue button. Your MFA will now be disabled. You can log in without entering your MFA code the first time each day.

If you DO NOT have your device with the MFA Settings

If you do not have access to your device with the MFA settings, the following steps must be completed by a Site or Network Administrator.

ADMINISTRATOR NOTE: Before proceeding, verify the identity of the individual requesting to have their MFA disabled.

Navigate to the Contacts Page (1) and select the Users Tab (2). Locate the name of the individual for which you wish to disable MFA and click it.

On the following page, scroll down to the bottom and click the Disable link within the Multi-Factor Authentication section of the sidebar.

On the following page, click the Yes, Continue button. The MFA for that individual will now be disabled. The user can now log in without entering the MFA code the first time each day.

See Also: