The Class Management tab allows you to schedule classes and add clients to a waitlist. You may also view ongoing or completed classes, register clients, and record attendance for already scheduled classes.  

Sidebar Actions

  • View All Class Offerings - Returns you to and refreshes the main Class Management tab
  • Create New Class Offering - This action will open the form that allows you to create a new Class Offering 
  • Add Client to Waitlist - This action allows you to add a client to the waitlist for a selected class type. I


Class Offerings

A list of all class offerings created for your site. For each class, you can see the following summary information:

  • Class Name -  The name of the class offering.
  • Created by - The user who created the class offering.
  • Start Date - The start date for a class offering. If the class is multi-session, it will display the first date in the series. Otherwise, the date of the class offering will be displayed.
  • Status - The current status of the class.
  • Number of Sessions - The total number of sessions the class has been scheduled for.
  • Class Capacity - The maximum number of clients that can be registered for a class.
  • Attendees Registered - The total number of clients that have been registered for a class.
  • Actions 
    • You may click View to see the details for the selected class offering.
    • You may click the Pencil Icon to edit the details of a selected class offering or record attendance for a session.
    • You may click the Red X icon to delete the class 
      • Note: Deleting a class offering is permanent and none of the data can be retrieved once it is deleted.

See Also: