The Calendar tab allows you to view services and events scheduled within Collaborate. You can view the calendar by day, week, month, or list. 

Services that are scheduled within the case profile will appear on the calendar automatically. You also have the ability to add an event or task that is not related to a case.

Calendar Sidebar


  • Create New Event - Create a new stand-alone calendar event. If you want to schedule a service, you must do that from the Case Profile.
  • Create New Task -  Create a new stand-alone task. If you want to create a case task, you must do that from the Case Profile.
  • View Task List - See a list of all tasks for your site.
  • Go to date - Quickly navigate the Calendar to the date entered in either Day, Week, or Month view.

Event Colors

The colors of events are dictated by the Event Type. Types & Colors are configurable per application.

Main Calendar View

Calendar Filters

To filter the Calendar:

  1. Click the Show button next to the Filter label. 
  2. Choose the filter Type you wish to use:
    1. Scheduled by
    2. Event Attendee
    3. User Role
  3. Select the option for User or User Role:
    1. The field displayed is dependent on the Type you have selected. If you select Scheduled by or Event Attendee, you will be able to filter by Users. If you select User Role, you will be able to filter by User Roles
  4. Click Apply Filters

Note: Any filter applied to the calendar will persist until they are removed or you log out of Collaborate.

To reset the Calendar:

  1. Click Reset Filters. 

Calendar Views

The Collaborate Calendar has 4 basic views (Day, Week, Month, and Event List) that you can select using the tabs at the top of the page above Filter.

Once you have selected a view, you can navigate forwards and backward using the [<] and [>] buttons. You may recenter the calendar on the Current Day, Week, or Month by clicking today.

Day View

Week View

Month View

Event List

See Also: