The Activities tab allows you to keep track of outreach events and indirect services that you conduct. Some examples of the types of activities that can be recorded include:

  • An abuse prevention presentation to a group of youth baseball coaches
  • Attendance in a Support Group with a group of non-offending caregivers
  • A staff in-service or other training

Activity Sidebar

Activity Category

All activity types have a top-level category. The Activity Category drop-down in the left sidebar allows you to quickly switch between categories. When you select a category, the page will automatically reload and display all activities of that category.

Create a New Activity

To create a new Activity under the Activity Category you have selected, select an option in the Activity Type drop-down and then click Create. You will be forwarded to the Create Activity Page.

Activity List

A list of all activities within the currently selected Activity Category. By default, this list only shows activities with a Status of Pending. You can filter to other status options as needed. All columns of this listview are filterable. You can easily View or Edit the activity from the rightmost Actions column.

See Also: