To manage the contents of a listview, there are several filters available. Please note, that these filters are "sticky," and will continue to be applied to a listview for the duration of your current browser session unless disabled by clicking the Filter icon with the red (3).

Once you log out of Collaborate, these filters are disabled and the listview reverts back to its default settings. Applied filters will not display on different computers or browsers. 

Apply New Filter

1. Click the Filter icon in the top right corner.

2. Select your filter from the Categories column on the left.

3. Input or select the filter options in the middle, Filter Options column.

4. The Active Filters column will automatically populate with the filters you have selected.

5. Click Filter to apply. 

Remove Applied Filters

 To delete individual filters, click the X on the right of the filter name in the Active Filters column.

To delete all filters in place, click the Filter icon with the red X. The listview will return to its default filters.

NOTE: Some listviews have default filters in place. In this case, a filter will be applied to the listview automatically by the system. 

Quick Character Filter

NOTE: Not all listviews have the character filter available.

Click the A-Z icon in the top right corner to sort by letter or number. 

When either a letter or number is selected, the listview will sort by the first letter of the last name.

Manual Filter

Click a column header to display an up or down arrow icon. 

Applying this filter will sort the listview according to the ascending or descending order of that particular column.

Download Options

Also located within the Listview Actions are icons to download the listview in XLSX, CSV, or PDF formats. Just click the desired format to download your current listview. 

NOTE: There is a limit of 2000 line items for downloads. If you need more, you will need to use Dynamic Reports.

See Also: